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3 min read

6 Tips for Improving Janitorial Inspections; and Client Happiness

Many successful businesses in the facility maintenance, custodial, and cleaning services industries pride themselves on their quality control programs. The key activities included in these programs are usually employee training, client feedback and...

Follow our helpful steps to improve your event and trade show ROI.

1 min read

How To Improve Your Event Marketing and Trade Show ROI

This crash course is designed for all of you event marketing professions looking to improve your event and trade show ROI. In order to maximize the...

2 min read

Four Things Event Marketers Should Consider to Improve Event ROI

Rethinking How You Do Event Marketing Are you looking for fresh ways to attract more qualified leads to your trade shows and events, and convert them...

Business user on their laptop searching for CX best practices

2 min read

Is Your Trade Show Booth Lacking Qualified Leads?

Attract, Entice, Allure... Bore, Disgust, Repel. Words are a powerful thing. A word can draw someone in, push someone away or even change the meaning...

4 min read

Three Ways to Attract Quality Event or Trade Show Leads

In the last post of our series, we discussed the first step to improving your event marketing ROI by attracting the right kind of people to your...

CX pros discussing program plan

4 min read

3 Ways to Use Experiential Marketing to Increase Event Traffic

After putting in the time and effort planning your event, have you ever looked around your event space and realized the amount of people in...

CX or HR executives

3 min read

Convert Trade Show Attendees to Leads with a Lead Capture System

In part one of our high conversion event marketing crash course, we discussed how to attract more of the right people (aka qualified leads) to your...

4 min read

7 Tips to Optimize Lead Capture and Convert Trade Show Leads

In the last post of our crash course, we talked about designing surveys that your attendees won’t mind filling out. Today we’ll cover best practices...

Intouchaudit Inspection Hero

3 min read

Create a Lead Capture Survey Your Attendees Won't Mind Completing

In our last blog we introduced the concept of identifiers (i.e. data collection tools) and using them to convert event and trade show attendees to...

4 min read

Event Marketing Tips to Moving Attendees Through the Sales Funnel

High Conversion Event Marketing Checklist Step 1: You’ve attracted qualified leads to your event using event attractors. Step 2: You’ve converted...