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Lindsay Sykes

Director of Marketing

CX or HR executives

3 min read

Convert Trade Show Attendees to Leads with a Lead Capture System

In part one of our high conversion event marketing crash course, we discussed how to attract more of the right people (aka qualified leads) to your event space. Now that you’ve got all of these great attendees at your trade show booth, part two of...

4 min read

7 Tips to Optimize Lead Capture and Convert Trade Show Leads

In the last post of our crash course, we talked about designing surveys that your attendees won’t mind filling out. Today we’ll cover best practices...

Intouchaudit Inspection Hero

3 min read

Create a Lead Capture Survey Your Attendees Won't Mind Completing

In our last blog we introduced the concept of identifiers (i.e. data collection tools) and using them to convert event and trade show attendees to...

4 min read

Event Marketing Tips to Moving Attendees Through the Sales Funnel

High Conversion Event Marketing Checklist Step 1: You’ve attracted qualified leads to your event using event attractors. Step 2: You’ve converted...

4 min read

Trade Show Marketing: Could You Be Converting More Leads to Sales?

So far in our trade show ROI-improving series, we’ve talked about attracting the right people to your events, converting them to leads and making...

3 min read

Five Tips for Closing More Deals at Your Events and Trade Shows

In our last blog, we talked about how you can convert more leads to customers at your events by designing effective sell paths. Sell paths are the...

Customer filling out a survey

6 min read

Measure the Success of Your Event Marketing and Trade Show ROI

Now that you’ve empowered yourself with the knowledge and tools you need to achieve high conversion event marketing, it’s time to put your skills...

customer experience management professionals interpreting CX data

6 min read

The Event Marketing Strategy That Improved Your Trade Show ROI

Over the last three weeks we’ve discussed the elements involved in a high conversion event marketing strategy; attracting more qualified leads to...

2 min read

Three Ways to Stay on Top of Building Fire Safety

As a facility manager, you’re used to wearing many hats. With daily responsibilities varying from the security of your building, to property...